The Serpent in the Wilderness

The Fourth Sunday in LentNumbers 21:4-9; John 3:14-21 We just heard, from the Gospel of John, probably the most well-known passage in the New Testament. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” It’s one of … [Read more…]

Overturned Tables

The Third Sunday in Lent John 2:13–22Mark 11:25–29 The story from John’s gospel today is one of the few stories that is contained in all four gospels. However, John’s version is very different than the other three. For one thing, it happens at a very different time. Mark, Matthew, Luke—which together we call the synoptic … [Read more…]

The Way of the Cross

The Second Sunday in LentMark 8:31–38 Last week you heard a story from the Gospel of Mark about Jesus and his identity. The gospel lesson this morning comes right after that key scene. Jesus asks his disciples who people say that he is. And the disciples report to him the things that they have been … [Read more…]

Everyone Is Searching for You

Mark 1:29-39The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany Poor Jesus, he just can’t seem to get a break. He sneaks out of the house early in the morning and heads out to the wilderness to spend a little time in prayer. He just needs a few minutes to himself. He hasn’t been doing ministry for very … [Read more…]

Idol Meat

The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany1 Corinthians 8:1-13 It’s a very strange text we have from 1 Corinthians this morning. It seems very foreign, doesn’t it? Meat sacrificed to idols. What is Paul even talking about? And this isn’t the only place that Paul talks about idol meat. Why would he spend so much time … [Read more…]

Trouble the Water

Sunday 7 January 2024Baptism of the Lord Genesis 1:1-5; Mark 1:4-11 Today we are celebrating the holiday known as Baptism of the Lord. In it, we remember the time when Jesus himself was baptized, baptized by John in the Jordan River. It is often also a time when we reflect on our own baptism, about … [Read more…]

What Belongs to God

Sunday 22 October 2023The Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost Matthew 22:15-22 Jesus is now in Jerusalem, not far from the cross. He has gained a core of followers, women and men who have followed him from Galilee. He has made a name for himself. He has begun to stir up trouble, both with the religious and … [Read more…]

If We Died with Christ

The Third Sunday after Pentecost Two weeks ago, United Methodists from Oregon and Idaho gathered in Meridian for an Annual Conference. I always think the highlight of Annual Conference is the commissioning and ordination worship service. There’s nothing quite like it in non-Methodist traditions. Prospective clergypersons are first reviewed by their home congregations, then by … [Read more…]

Nations Will Come to Your Light

Rev. Dr. David D. M. King, OSLEpiphany of the Lord Isaiah 60:1–6, Matthew 2:1–12 Today we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany. So what does that mean? As with so many things in the church, it comes from Greek. Epiphany means to appear, or to appear in the flesh. It was a word often used … [Read more…]

Will He Find Faith on Earth

Sunday 16 October 2022The Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecostby Rev. Dr. David Dean Mimier King Luke 18:1-8 Jesus has a problem. His disciples are losing heart with their prayers. They are getting tired of praying over and over for things that God is just not providing. They are tired of praying for the liberation of the … [Read more…]