May Messenger

In May we continue the celebration of the Easter season into the holidays of Pentecost and Trinity Sunday. Easter isn’t just one day, it lasts for seven weeks, a week of weeks, 49 days, culminating on the fiftieth day: Pentecost. So we are continuing to celebrate the joy of resurrection as we anticipate the gift of the Spirit.

On May 9th, Mother’s Day, we will again be having worship in the parking lot, as we did on Easter. It’s a great, safe way for us to actually gather together physically for wor- ship. Drive into the church parking lot and park your car fac- ing west. I’ll be at the west end to lead you in worship. We have an FM transmitter, so you’ll be able to tune into FM 95.1 on your car radio and hear everything that is going on. We’ll be celebrating communion using individually sealed communion packs. For those who are unable to attend in per- son, there will still be a recorded service, just like on a typical Sunday.

On May 16th we will be celebrating Ascension Sunday. On that day we read two different biblical accounts of the same event, both written by the same author, but still contain- ing some differences.

Pentecost Sunday celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit and the birthday of the church. Worship will include a speech choir reading the Pentecost story in a number of languages.

Finally, on May 30th, we consider the One-in-Three, the Three-in-One, our Triune God. DS Wendy Woodworth will

be preaching.

Submitted by: Pastor David

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